· I have learned so much from this program and is well worth the time and effort. The program is well organised and everybody is looked after and valued.
· Thank you so much for this program opportunity. You've no idea how much this has impacted not only my life but the way I'll implement this program for my future. · Thank you I've really enjoyed the program and am so grateful for the opportunity · Thank you for such an amazing experience. I can honestly say that if this training were not in such a relaxing environment and not conducted as a residential program I would not have learnt as much. The fact I had to stay here allowed me the time to process the information and build strong connections with my fellow participants. I have had the most amazing experience and cannot thank Red Earth, Vision 21, Pam and the sponsors enough for this. · Thank you all so much. I know this is going to change my life and those around me. I now feel l am not just a mum!, and you have all made me realise that. More importantly l believe it, for the first time in a long time. Meeting everyone l realise, people would like to be like me!!, never thought of that. I thought l always had to try and be like others. You all need people like me. : ). Go figure. You’re all lovely, and l feel so much more confident then l ever thought l would. · Amazing program - the friendships made were an unexpected benefit. Real feeling of trust, safety and shared vision, drive and enthusiasm. Learnt a lot about myself. · Great initiative, guys! I heard the weekend was a fantastic success. Well done! – The Barcoo Independent. Other programs
International Leadershipl like to say that you really impacted on us during the leadership class. Everything has changed about our actions and perception. For me i embraced it all and have not stop applying the leadership skills particularly communication skills, both spoken and written. I hope to continuously develop my self. I specially thank you. You may have put in a lot to be as good and knowledgeable as you are in your career. Well done.
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